Friday, March 9, 2012

A New Beginning II: Man's Best Friend?

For installment I, go here

What a day!

As I poured the belgian ale in my glass, all I could think about was relaxing. Kids were asleep, Raap was at her parents' house and it was time to get my drink on. Besides, I hadn't touched the Playstation 3 in months! Just as I sat down...

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Unfortunately, it was the fourth link in my own personal "checks and balances" system. Except in my system, there was too much checking and not enough balancing.

"I'll ask again...what are you doing?"

Chewy was laying paws up on the he got his paws under the reclining release, I will never know.

"I am relaxing with a beer...why?"

"Don't you think you should ask me if I want anything?"

"First of all, if you are going to lay like that on the recliner, at least wear a doggie sweater or pull the blanket over you. Second, I don't owe you anything right now...we have an agreement but services have not yet been rendered by the hairy party of the first part sitting in the recliner. Besides, you know Raap will be home any minute."

I had him...or so I thought.

"You pathetic soul. You manually labor over that NCAA pool to the point that you think you are invincible, yet you can't even beat someone who NEVER WATCHES A GAME. Every year you gnash your teeth and scream "unclean" but you never do anything about it. Until this year...and you choose now to get flippant and bite the hand that has offered to feed you. Tisk, tisk. Some one reading this would have a hard time figuring out who the canine was in this scenario."

This was getting ugly...I needed to do something. And quick.

"How do you think you get outside in the morning when you have to go?"

"If that's a threat, you might want to rethink. You should already know that just because I'm not outside doesn't mean I won't still go...and I know where you sleep."

Point taken.

"Besides, we have a deal. And I expect you to take especially good care of me until the brackets on Sunday night. Once my plan is unveiled and you make your picks, I will cease and desist and you can have your so-called life back. But until then, you are mine. And if you really want to beat Raap once and for all, you better trust me and play along until Sunday."

I had heard of deals with the devil but in my case, the devil was a hairy eight-year old Shih-tzu with no regard for the previous seven years of caretaking by his master. This was getting ridiculous. Was I really going to let a talking dog run my life like this? Was it worth all this just to get the better of Raap just one more time? Could I continue talking to myself like this? After all this, the answer was simple...

"Chewy, you have two choices. Miller? Or Bud Light?"




Angry Birds said...

This is a test. Angry Birds rule.

Neuman said...

Just to be clear, the reference in the first paragraph to your Playstation 3 is meant to be taken literally and is not an analogy for something else, correct?