Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Vegas Travel Blog

Well, this is a first.  Through the wonders of modern technology, this is my first travel blog.  I still can't believe how patient I am right now after the last 30 minutes.

It all started with all parking at Terminal 1 being full and all cars being diverted (forced) to park at Terminal 2.  While much cheaper, it presents me with two immediate obstacles.  First, not being a frequent traveler, I am not a big fan of flying, therefore I have a two-drink minimum policy prior to all flights.  My planned 90 minutes at the bar just got cut in half.

Second, my return flight lands at 12:52am on Monday morning.  Not preferred but Monday is my birthday and with Yzzi and Etan now both over the age of 2, as a father, I would prefer to spend my birthday with them than the  great melting pot in Sin City.  With my new parking location, I might not get home until the sun comes up.

Which brings me to unexpected problem to get to Terminal 1.  Unfortunately, I had no idea there was a light rail and then a Tram ride required.  In the ultimate of all travel ironies, a German woman (not from here) had to help me figure out where I was going.

I got to the bar at 1:10.  25 minutes before boarding.  The good news is that the flight was delayed 15 minutes and since I have been in this position before, I have grown adept at putting down enough alcohol in a short amount of time to keep me properly medicated for a 3 hour tour (a 3 hour tour).

Only problem is that during that time, I was wearing an Iowa State hat, a gift from my in-laws (since they are  the only Iowa team in the tournament) and there were at least 3 different Iowa fans at the bar in that short time.  I could feel the looks and wanted to explain everything but chose to use the time to my advantage and consume the liquid courage.  Besides...have you tried to explain to an Iowa fan why you are wearing an ISU hat.  If they are alumni, they will not understand.  Both my brothers graduated grad and undergrad from there and while I bleed black and gold, when it comes to the dance, you make it and you have Iowa in your name (or from Iowa and end in "ake"), you get my support.  And ISU right by a "K" #1 seed...hmmmm (UNI never forgets...Ali! Ali! Ali!).

Flight was further delayed so I went back to the bar for "unfinished business".  Seriously, would it kill these airports to have either a sight line to each gate from the bar or some kind of updates as to actual boarding?  Personal responsibility aside, seems like it would help cut down on overconsumption if one knew exactly how long they had to consume.  Come to think if might actually encourage binge drinking.  Not that I would know...I prefer to refer to my situation as "preventive maintenance".  Oops...there is the call for Zone 3...lucky me...I get to fly.

Last entry before takeoff...I really envy the people who are already asleep.  I would kill to be able to fall asleep before takeoff and wake up after landing.  Thus the reason for my pre-flight routine.

More to come from the plane.

1 comment:

RaiderTripp said...

Where are the first day results? I'm in pools on CBS Sportsline and ESPN and was able to track results realtime. I guess I'll assume I'm in first place!