Thursday, March 22, 2012

A New Beginning V: Missouri

It was Monday morning of my birthday.  You would think I would be happier.  But my plane landed from Vegas at 12:45am and after negotiating various modes of transportation to get to my car in Terminal 2 and then get said car home, it was 2am.

And I wasn't tired. I was on a dog hunt.

It was bad enough I actually listened to him this time but I let him walk all over me in the process.  Now I was out a national champ after only one round and Raap had a full house of (Elite) 8's and (Final) 4's.
I looked around the lower level of the house in his usual spots (which was pretty much every inch of both couches) and then headed upstairs knowing what I would find.

Chewy cuddled up to Raap in our bed.  Coward.

Worse yet, how do you confront a canine at 2am in the morning?  After five days in Vegas, if I woke her now, Chewy would be the least of my worries.

"Chewy" I whispered.

"Why are you whispering at the dog?"

So much for being careful not to wake Raap.

"Just wanted to pet him and say hi.  Did you see any of the games tonight?"

"They played games again tonight?  How long does this bracket thing last?"

Oh, the pain I have endured.  "The same time span as last year.  And the year before that.  And so on."

"You would think a guy coming back from Vegas after being gone without his wife and kids for five days would be less grumpy."

"Whatever.  Go back to sleep."

"I must be winning the pool again."

"I wouldn't call it winning."

"I must at least be beating you again."

The pain intensified.  During the exchange, I noticed Chewy open his eyes and quickly shut them when he realized I was home.  Coward.

"I'm really tired.  Can we not talk about this now?"

"So I am winning."

"Look, it's not over.  Yes, I had Missouri as my national champ...but I have a lot of other teams left."

"Missouri?  Are they the Buckeyes?"

This was not helping my mood.  Sleep deprivation, alcohol withdrawal...and Raapisms.  Not a good combo.  Besides, the main target of my frustration was, as of right now, untouchable.  Coward.

"No, they are the Tigers."

"Were they supposed to lose?  What rank where they?"

The only thing more annoying than a Raapism is her misuse of the March Madness lingo.

"The term is 'seed'.  They were seeded second in their region."

"Seed?  Are you sure?  That sounds like a misuse of the word.  What do seeds have to do with basketball?"

This was quickly headed downhill.  The last time this happened, I actually spent thirty minutes trying to explain to her what a safety was in football.  It hurt me a lot more than it helped her.

"Why are you even asking that question.  You obviously do not care.  Yes, you are beating me.  Again.  No, I probably do not have a chance to come back.  Yes, it is the seventh time in eight years.  Anything else you wish to torment me with tonight?"

"No, but I have a quick question.  My cell battery seems to be losing life a lot more quickly lately.  Any suggestions?"

At that moment, I could have sworn that with his eyes still shut, Chewy managed a grin.




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