Friday, March 16, 2012

A New Beginning IV: The Hangover


The words and subsequent ringtone were like a knife to my skull.  Not only did I not turn my phone down after arriving back to my Vegas hotel room but my late night activities made the call sound more like a fire alarm...terrific when you are on the 60th floor.  Looking to my right, Dad was sound asleep so I knew the call was not from/about him.

As I struggled to reach my cell, I fell out of bed.  A separated shoulder to go with the searing pain in my cranium.  Which was about to get worse because the caller ID said "Raap".  4am Vegas time but still only 6am at home...uh-oh--something happened.

I answered abruptly--"What's wrong?"

"How come I haven't heard from you yet?"--a typical comment maybe coming from one's better half but the voice betrayed a furry sarcasm that was to easy to place with the furry face.

"Chewy, you have to be kidding me, what the hell do you want?  And how did you get Raap's cellphone?"

"You really want me to answer that last question?  Besides, you have unlimited minutes and free long distance so why does it matter?"

Good point.  But not the point.

"State your business so I can get back to sleep--I have to be up in an hour to get our seats in the sportsbook."

"Have you scored the boards yet?"

"Are you kidding? It's only Friday morning.  Early.  As in half-awake."

"Well, you will be happy to know that you and Raap are tied after Thursday's games.  The plan is coming together."

For the first time during his "control" of my situation, Chewy had shown a weakness. Or so I thought.

"Chewy, you do realize I have been in this situation before under my old methods.  In fact, I have been ahead with multiple teams left to her one, only to be forced to eitness the happy dance yet again. 
A tie after day one means nothing."

The sound I heard on the other end could only be described as a half-growl, half-chuckle.

"As you said, that was under your old methods.  It's a new day my boy.  Time will tell you exactly what I already know--that the new method will be much more effective."

Trying to ignore that my own dog just referred to me as "boy", I mustered the strength for one final send off.

"It better.  Or I know a dog who will not be in a very good position."

"What?  Oh you mean the carefree life with no reason to work, all day naps, and food handed to me from the table whenever I want it?  I don't see that changing. Unless you want Raap to know how much you are really spending in Vegas?

"I think it is time to say good night Chewy." "Good night Chewy. And thanks for the apps you have downloaded to your phone. They come in handy when you and Raap turn in for the night."

Click Damn it! That's why my cell battery is so low every morning!


1 comment:

RaiderTripp said...

If you spent half as much time scoring this thing as you do impersonating your dog, we'd have our results by now. While you're at, I'd like you to calculate my best possible score the way CBS Sportsline does!

Just Score Baby!