Friday, March 9, 2007

The Starting Gun

The first post is always the most important.

Welcome to the blogging madness. I always vowed I would never do one of these because it's too damn trendy but after the rowdiness of the pool mob this past week, I find to be very necessary. As many people liked the emails as didn't so I figured we could set this up as a madness playground to keep us busy during the tournament. I fully intend to blog at least once each day tournament games are played and hope you'll follow and chime in.

Remember, anyone can come. Feel free to pass on the blog link, rules and brackets on to anyone who wants in. The more, the merri, uhhh, the richer I become. Assistant Tournament Director Raap needs some new maternity clothes!

I want to post the rules one more time in a permanent place so everyone in the pool has a place to refer to in case of disputes or alzheimer's. Lord knows there's enough 50-somethings in this crowd.

1. Entry fee is $5.
2. Points are 1 for the first round, 2 for the second, 3 for the third, 4 for each final four team, 5 for each finalist and 6 for the champion.
3. You must enter a pick on each line all the way to the champion. Any missing lines are automatic 0 points but you do not forfeit the following pick if one of those two teams is then picked to win the following round (example--Duke v. NC State--you don't pick that round, 0 points but you have Duke winning the game after that and they do, you get the points for that round).
4. Tiebreaker--pick the final score of the championship game. First tiebreaker is total points, second is winner's score, third is loser's score.
5. Payment can be sent to 9138 Kingsview Lane N, Maple Grove, MN 55369. Checks are welcome. Carlsonians can get their money to Tony Tripp who can get me the money over the weekend.


Galvin said...

Artie sucks!

I like the Blog.

raidertripp said...

I like rule #5. Happy to be a part in your money laundering scheme as long as the Tripp family gets their piece of the pie. Remember Godfather, I have many hands in the Waterloo territory to carry out my dirty work. Hopefully we can continue to run our family businesses in partnership through mutual respect and fear...