Thursday, March 15, 2007

Killing Me Softly

So it's lunchtime and I'm taking this quick opportunity to lament the fact that this is the first time in eight years that I missed the opening tip of the first round.

While following the games online (not watching, mind you..."following"), I am still dying the slow "death by a thousand paper cuts" as I wonder what the sportsbooks in Vegas are doing right now. As I write this, I'm rest assured that half the book is yelling "don't shoot" and the other half is yelling "foul, foul". 30 seconds later, half the book is rejoicing, the other half contemplating new ways of doing oneself in, in a manner worthy of special news coverage (their road to 15 minutes of fame).

Coworkers walk by and laugh. They know this is killing me.

Maryland is killing my parlay right now.


1 comment:

BurtBlyleven said...

Georgetown is the Notre Dame of basketball.