Thursday, March 15, 2007

One down...

Not a bad start.

9-5-2 in the first 16 games against the spread but no upsets. I don't even count the Duke game.

Seriously, Duke has been putrid this year and if you watched the game at all, they couldn't hit a free throw (I thought I heard 11 missed free throws). They deserved to lose and I deserved to lose my parlay for even picking them. How many times did the announcers belabor the point that Duke had not lost a first round game "in two centuries" (a direct quote, if you can believe it) and blather on and on about their rich tradition. Well, this year that rich tradition includes a seat on the couch for rounds two through six.

Anyone who has not tried has got to sign up for CBS Sportsline's online streaming of the games. Don't even try it at work (I tried for giggles today and was number 25,000 in line in the waiting room so I logged out) but at home, it was great last night to be able to watch two games at once and switch when it got boring (as most of the games did). It's totally free, not hard to watch at all and is easy to get into at night. Give it a try, if you can.

That's it for now...11:33pm and Raap and her two brains are fast asleep. I need to quit typing...I don't think she could sleep as I was yelling at Gonzaga to make a freakin' layup (they missed something like 346 layups against Indiana).


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