Saturday, March 17, 2007

Free at last, free at last...

Double entendre...

I was finally able to get free from work at 4:30...just in time to watch a halfcourt meaningless 3-pointer destroy about $240 worth of winnings on two teaser parlays. I had two separate bets with Oregon in each and every other team won with the exception of the nuclear bomb delivered via that meaningless 3-pointer. Unfortunately, there is a 30-second delay on the internet versus tv and a "friend" called me 20 seconds before I witness the catastrophe to ask if I was ok. When I questioned him, he repeated the question as I finally witnessed the disgusting sight of the 3 dropping from halfcourt.

Again, brutal.

But the double to the above entendre (the header for those of you nitpicking my vocabulary, Ben) is that I finally nailed a parlay at the end of the day courtesy of USC, SIU, and Kentucky. Couple that with side bets with the gang in front of the 23 inch, non-HD, non-stereo RCA small screen TV and the computer streaming a second game at the same time. Sorry, guys. I'm guessing next year will be much change in the Paar household what with a big screen, flat screen, HD, Plasma tv, in sterero and, uhh, oh yeah, the birth of the second brain that Raap now possesses. That second brain better be good at parlays 'cause I'm dying over here.

10-5-1 today. 19-10-3 for the first round. Two losses of monumental proportions due to last second, meaningless 3-pointers. A few beers, a few curse words, a few meaningless bets.

God, I miss Vegas.

Results will come out tomorrow at some point. Those of you who are waiting--get over it. It'll come. Those of you who could care less--hey, you're catching on.

More games to come...


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