Sunday, March 18, 2007

Groundhog's Day

With all due respect to Bill Murray and the great movie of the above title, I feel like I'm living the exact same nightmare for the third year in a row. After having built a 6-point cushion in the first round, I have once again succumbed to Raap's voodoo magic and am trailing the family lead by one headed into the Sweet 16. I thought the two brains were a curse--she's obviously feeding off it. This isn't good. If the kid is any good at this thing, I might not even be the second best in the house next year.

Hall of Fame
Scott Stein, Brett Wahl, Tony Tripp and Tom Tasto have all picked a perfect South region so far. My nickname nemesis, Jeff Loendorf, chose to forgo the nickname board this year and rewarded himself with the only perfect West region out of 107 entries.

But Brett Wahl, the Allianz tax geek himself, has cleared the pack by a full five points and has all of his Elite 8 teams still left. In fact, 16 people still have their Elite 8 in tact and 74 still have all Final Four teams left. Young Luke Galvin distinguished himself in the 8-under division by getting 31 of the first 33 games right (including the play-in) no thanks to his dad, Mike. I have met your Dad, and Luke, you are no Mike Galvin (thank God!).

Hall of Shame
First up are the wonderful people who actually thought Wisconsin had a shot at the Final Four. Mike Elbert, Neil Gonzales, Ben Richeson, Chad Shrout, Tim Neis, Sharon Flanagan who had them in the championship game. Special shout out to Brian Brommel who had them winning the whole thing (huh?) and John Grimm, the defending last place champion, who not only had Wisconsin the final four but Indiana and Washington State as well.

Unfortunately, the last place title may already be locked up but I promised the person I would not make fun of them so I'll let the results speak for themselves. Honorable mention goes to whoever thought "Fear the Turtle" was the mantra for this year. Come on, that's so 2002. Four people picked Maryland to the final four, one as a runner-up and two as the national champion.

I saved the best for last. Young Andy Cebulla, who was so vocal during the early trash talk, submitted two boards that currently stand 96th and 103rd, respectively. Even Andy should know that the purpose of submitting two boards is to increase your chances of winning, not to belabor your losses.

More tomorrow night...wanted to get these results out quickly and getting sleepy. Raap's two brains have pummeled me into submission after two rounds. I need to get my rest for the upcoming weekend.



Anonymous said...

Once again, the trash-talkin' sect of the Paar family is safely at the back of the pack and the quiet Paar proves that the great ones don't need to talk about their greatness.

Kudos to young Alex Paar (20 months and 33rd place) and Theo Paar (4 years and 22nd place) for sticking it to the older generation. Hey, Godfather, your performance reminds me of the scene where you are chasing your grandson through the garden and..., well, let's just say that was your last scene in the movie.

Time to exit stage left. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.

Tony N said...

I would just like to show how this makes the case for mediocrity. If you're in the nice, cushy middle like I am, you don't have to worry about being a target. I'm sure AP was disappointed by my "so average" performace, but what can you do.

I have noticed that suddenly the cat has The Godfather's tongue. He was king of the "reply all" e-mail before, but where is now?! Bring it on Godfather!!!
