Friday, March 30, 2007

Chewy's Last Stand

It's the night before the "big game" and it's pretty tense in this house. I can't stand it when these two act like this. I always get caught in the middle.

I just went into the other room to start barking at the neighbors to occupy myself. I think the neighbor teens next door are having a party. It'll help pass the time before the girl nods off (two brains? it looks like one head to me) and the eventual time when the boy will pass out (what is in that bottle he keeps drinking??). It's just another Friday night in the Paar household.

What I don't get is why the boy is always worried about losing to the girl. If he just would have picked the Hoyas, he'd be in great shape right now. That's how we dogs roll. The girl uses about as much scientific methodology in her picks as a cat does hitting that damn ball of twine (yes, dogs have a vocabulary, it's just not oral). Dogs rule the world anyway. Name one other species that can live the life we live without pulling down a paycheck (and don't you dare mention the "c" word).

At least the boy made it this far. Last year, the girl waxed him during the second weekend. That was a good one. I would have laughed but I was too afraid he would kick me. Not that he could catch me (I can't run a marathon but I can move) once I get going but a dog's gotta sleep sometime (actually I would prefer to sleep all the time but a dog's gotta eat too). He thinks this blog is his way to get back at everyone to make up for his bad picks. Mad at the world, I guess. If he would only follow my lead and lay around all day--it does wonders for the stress level.

Although I do understand his competitive side. When that damn rabbit shows up on the back deck, I get pissed. It just sits there acting all innocent like nothing's wrong. Damn it! Something is wrong! That rabbit has no business on MY deck! If the boy would turn his head once...just once...I could get my paws on that rabbit and show it who is boss. The time they put the stuffed rabbit in the yard was REAL funny. Laugh it up people! You have to sleep sometime too!

I need to wrap this up soon. My paws are getting sore and I keep having to backspace because one punch gets me five letters. Plus, the boy is shooting me an evil look since he just noticed I was on his computer. Hey, I'm a lover not a fighter...although those two took care of that "lover" part when they got me. Thanks for nothing (literally). I will give him credit though--I think I see the phrase "Flying Dog" on the side of his bottle. If only.

Let the dogs ride and the cats die! Cut the leash!


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