Friday, March 23, 2007

All Bark...No Bite

The two brains are once again asleep next to me and since I don't have any "comments" to read from previous posts, I guess I should just post again.

This has to be one of the most bizarre NCAA tourneys in history. Not because of the upsets. Not because of the one "special" team that is in the Sweet 16 that has no business being there. More because of the top seeds who have trailed much more and BY much more than they have led and still find a way to pull it out in the end.

Ohio St has done it twice, trailing by Xavier by 9 with 2:54 left and Tennessee by 20 at one point in the first half and by 17 early in the second half, only to come back and win both. Florida trailed Butler until late in the game and played footsie with Jackson State until blowing them out by 40. Kansas....well, Kansas kept Southern Illinois around long enough to give a young 38-year old hope that his +375, $20 bet would come through, only to see ill-advised shots late in the game result in swearing and frustration that resulted in him doing dishes to release the stress and causing him to miss the long near-miss 3-pointer that would have sent the game to OT (and kept the +375 alive).

And as I write this, I'm watching comeback number four from a #1 seed. My national champ, NC (don't get cocky Perry) was down 16 with 18 minutes to play and is now within 1. Knowing my luck, they'll be the one that doesn't finish the deal.

Who can I take shots at? How about Andy Cebulla who has pretty much been AWOL since his amateur improv comedy routine during the ill-fated email barrage at the start of Vegas Donation X? Anyone notice that both his donations are in the bottom 10? What about John Grimm, the defending last place champion who lost three of his final four in the first two rounds? I'd pick on Chewy for picking Butler but they almost won.

Speaking of one won the Chewy contest. The three things and why...

1). He didn't pick the winner of the Villanova/Kentucky game because both are Wildcats and he hates cats so much, he refused to pick a winner.
2). He didn't pick a final score for the tiebreaker because he's a dog and dog's are not good with numbers.
3). He hates birds so he picked against all birds unless they were playing a cat, in which case, the cat lost.

Trust me folks...the above was not that hard. Tom Tasto had the first two except he wouldn't tell me why the first two were important.

NC is now up 7. USC is running out of gas. How is that these non-elite teams can not seal the deal. Granted, there's a reason these #1's are ranked this high. But you can't seriously tell me they can't at least play them even?

I look at Raap's board and she's still ahead of me by 1 if Oregon holds on. Her downfall could be Memphis. According to her frequent rambling gibberish on Thursday night (I think the second brain is causing her to speak in tongues), Memphis lost that game 44 different times in the last two minutes. In fact, she would have shut the game off when the Tigers were down by 1 with oh, I don't know, plenty of time left on the clock. Suffice to say, I unfortunately got to see a mini victory dance when she realized they actually ended up winning the game.

This is going to be a painful weekend...I can feel it.


1 comment:

Tony N said...

I would like to apologize to anyone who took my advice and bet against me on the parlay I spoke of on an earlier post. I turns out I had surgery to remove my head from backside and actually went 4-4 on that parlay and am now up $30 for the tourney.

The bet with my brothers has gotten closer though, and I REALLY don't want to lose that one. Going into the Sat/Sun games, the three of us are only separated by 6 point, and we all have very different Final Fours.

Speaking of my brothers, I was out with one of them last night (who shall remain nameless). After we had "a few" cocktails in us, we went to play some Golden Tee and then moved on to Big Buck Hunter. I've never really played that game before, and the brother, whose name I will not mention, wanted to play that since he knew he could beat me. And boy did he crush me the first game - I think he had 2x as many "kills" as I had.

However, being that I'm older and need to keep the younger ones in line, I sucked it up and we played a second game. Final score of game #2: Tony - 48 kills. "Brother" - 32 kills. Watching brother nearly meltdown losing a game he was "better" at - priceless.

It was almost as fun as beating Artie at Bar Trivia. Or Bowling. Or Golf. BTW Artie, what can you consistently beat me at? Just wondering.

And don't forget, you were begging for posts...
