Saturday, March 17, 2007

Not So Silent Night...

As I begin this blog, the so-called yip dog is at it again. At 11:40pm, he has found something across the street that he feels the need to bark at over and over and over and...well, you get the picture. So he's doing his best Xavier impression as he tries to intimidate whatever the hell is outside my house this late at night.

That's certainly the impression I had watching Xavier today. Yip, yip, yip...looks like they are going to attack...yip, yip, yip...time to bite down on the human arm...yip, yip, menacing look in their direction in the form of a rally from 8 down with 2:54 left (are you kidding?) and one last second regulation 3-pointer later, the yip dogs disappear.

Florida has to be licking their chops right now. Not only did NC and Ohio St struggle against lesser teams before pulling away, FLA was practically tied late in the first half on Friday and ended up winning by 40. Even so, I smell a UNLV-type upset coming soon--is there a "quack" in Florida's future? Or will Butler be Florida's "yip dog"?

I've had more than one person opine that ol' Willy Packer might have been neutered (Chewy's least favorite word) after his putrid performance during the NCAA selection show over the past few years. I understand he has a right to his opinion but he did nothing for the game of college basketball by pontificating and berating the individuals responsible for choosing the field of 65. Exhibit A: Dickie V. However, now he's swung completely to the other side and he's smooching the behinds of the mid-majors and the selection committe. Willy, some advice. Speak your mind and be professional about it (unlike certain bloggers) and all will be right in the world. Do it right and certain bloggers might be moved to say things like "I don't dislike ol' Willy as much as I used to"--unfortunately, you have a long way to go.

3-5 today but two major parlays saved the day (teaser parlays, thus the reason I had a bad record but still hit the parlays). After a preliminary look at round 1 results, which will be published tomorrow, I think the woman with two brains has finally come back to earth. All of a sudden all is right with the world. The air, a little easier to breathe, beer tastes better, sleep feels more restful, the future is bright.

I finally fixed the blog so anyone can post without opening an account--sorry about that. I didn't even realize I had to change settings. Like I said to start, I never thought I'd be doing one of these so why would I think I had to change setting to let you guys participate? This is not a one man show---it's a democracy (by totalitarian regime). That is, say what you want, but I get final say.

Good games to go on Sunday...


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