Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Winter is Coming: Part 6--A New Alliance

Staring at a piece of paper.

Check that…staring at a computer screen that looks like a piece of paper if you stare long enough.

Or if you are not paying attention.

Why do I care about this stuff so much?  Why can’t I just follow the seeds, figure out a formula that is reasonably successful, or JUST WRITE DOWN SOMETHING, ANYTHING (or type anything—would be difficult to write on a computer screen—and expensive).

Why am I shouting?

I look over at Snowball—nope, not even shouting in text wakes him up.  He looks so peaceful—I’m jealous.  Must be nice to not have any worries, cares…or blank NCAA picks.

“You know, if you really cared, you would be over here helping me”

No movement.

“I’m dying over here—do you really want to see a grown man cry?”


I grabbed his treat jar and shook it.  Of course, movement.  Head comes up—nose goes out.  Let the sniffing begin!

Snowball rose, very slowly, and trotted towards me.  Very slowly.  Felt like an eternity.  If I’m drawing on past “talking dog” experiences, he was playing me.  At this point, I was desperate.  I opened the jar and took out three pieces and laid them on the floor.  Pretty quickly, they were gone.  

He looked up, turned his head sideways and blinked.

“No more until I get what I want”

He blinked again and walked away.  Three turns and he was down again.

That’s it.  It had to be a dream

I sat down and looked back at the computer screen.  Still blank.

I put my head in my hands.  I suddenly realized how much I missed my friend.  Chewy may have 
been the bane of my existence but when it really counted, he was man’s best friend.  And while we had our differences, I never took advantage of the relationship.

As I came back to reality, I noticed a small “hand’ on top of mine.  Too small for a hand—and furrier.  Like a paw.

I looked up.  The horn-rimmed glasses and pocket protector were back.  And he was smiling.

“Listen Snowplow, if you are trying to suck up now, you can stop.”

“You really miss him, don’t you?”

“How did you know?”

“Based on the fact that you keep pushing me away, calling me the wrong name, surly attitude, the whatnot, something had to be wrong.  Let’s face it…I am an Analytics Mercenary and, with your track record, you need my help.”

“Why did you disappear?”

“I only did what you told me to do.  You wanted to be left alone so I obliged.  Plus, you can’t even get my name right.”

“Can I just call you “Snowy”?

“Close enough.  Now let’s get this filled out.  How far did you…ummm”.  He took a step back.


“Is this your second or third board?”

“First.”  He just stared at me and blinked.  “Hey, don’t judge me.”

“We have a lot of work to do”

This, I know.

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