Sunday, March 17, 2019

Winter is Coming: Part 5--Gang Violence

I didn't like how far out I had Gonzaga.  Or Virginia.  The Cavaliers always seems to find a way to under perform in the tournament (wink, wink, nod, nod).

I don't know why I even care any more.  I waste countless hours trying to make these picks, using any number of scientific methods and the result is always the same.


Meanwhile, back over in the nerd-spot, the dog was gnawing a bully stick.

Did I dream all of that?  Is he really just another furry terror that destroys things when people are least suspecting it?  Maybe Raap is right--maybe I am one step from crazy.

Regardless, I needed to finish the bracket.

Etan walked in.

"What's up, Dad?  Spending more needless time on your bracket?  You know I finished mine Sunday night five minutes after the selections show?"

"We'll see come Final Four time"

"Are you kidding?  Who is the only family member to win money in this pool?  And I was 6 when that happened!"  With that, he smirked and walked away.

Man, that's brutal.  My eight-year old taunting me like he was 48.  And doing a better job.

The lines on the sheet were starting to blur--I couldn't concentrate very well.  At one point, out of frustration, I entered UMBC in the line where Virginia should be.  That was really strange.  I mean, I am frustrated and disoriented--but a 16 over a 1?  Somebody's trying to tell me to give it up for good.  I quickly changed it back.

Yzzi walked in.

"Dad, can you play Roblox with me today?"

"Not now, Iz.  I'm trying to get this figured out."

"Is this the NCAA thing again?  You know, there's a reason I have Mom make my picks for me..."

Ugh--even my daughter who hates basketball as much as my wife is taking shots at me.

"Iz, if you want me to play with you later, I'd leave this particular topic alone"

Yzzi shrugged and left.

Meanwhile, the dog had decimated the bully stick.  My family had decimated me.

The end was near...


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