Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Higher Power

Late Sunday night, Raap is taking care of a sick Etan, and I couldn't sleep.


It's bad enough that I have to go through the machinations accompanying yet another losing effort for March Madness.  Especially after last year, I am burnt out.  But knowing that I'm a sure bet to once again lose to my wife makes it a truly hopeless endeavor.  Why put myself though this every year?  I can't just shut off the competitive side.  It doesn't work like that.  It's like telling Yzzi and Etan to stop breathing.  They will try and at some point, if they really want something, they will take to the "blue in the face" level.  Eventually the body's the natural inclination to breathe takes oAver and a big exhale follows.  No one has ever voluntarily held their breath to the point of death.

What's my point?  Ohhh, that's right.  I can't sleep.  Those who have suffered from this malady know what I'm going through.  The mind races and pretty soon you are thinking about bizarre ways to commit suicide.

"Artie"--went the haunting voice in the air.

Ok, the lack of sleep was starting to make me hallucinate.

"Trouble sleeping, huh?"

Now I was annoyed.  "Chewy, knock it off".  The dog lifted his head and truly looked like I had just woken him up from a deep sleep.  Probably chasing rabbits.  Stupid Shih-Tzu.

"What the hell was that all about?" he asked, "Mind telling me why you are yelling me awake at 3am?"

He really looked like I had caught him off guard but he had also proven his acting chops in the past.  "Don't play coy with me dog.  This won't work two years in a row."

Now Chewy looked annoyed.  "Are you drunk?  I was just laying here, dreaming about running away from you yet again when your yelling woke me up"

I wasn't going to let him off that easily.  "Really?  You expect me to believe that?"

"After last year?  Yes, I do.  I had to stay at the Vet Hospital for two weeks after your little trap outside in the rain after last year's tournament.  I still get the sniffles if someone even mentions the word rain."

"That was a pretty good trick."  A year later, I was still so proud of myself.

"Besides, you'll screw this up again.  It's more fun to sit...I mean, lay on the sidelines and watch you implode"

Oh the horror.  Being taunted by a canine.  I'd almost rather watch Raap's indifference.

"If I were you, I'd do what I'm about to do and that is lie back down, close your eyes and let whatever happens next, happen.  Mine will most undoubtedly be dreamland unless you start ranting again.  And if you think I'm crazy, remember that you're the one talking to a dog."

With that he laid back down.  As did I.  A few minutes later...

"Artie--Enough with the dog.  Go to Tibet"


"The answers you seek are there--you seek a higher power"

Higher Power?

"If you are going to finally beat Raap, you need the Higher Power."

Tibet's not exactly basketball country.

"No more doubts--it will all become clear in Tibet"

Just then Raap came back in the room--"Are you talking to Chewy?"

"Nope, just making plans for my trip to Tibet"

"Are you drunk again?"

Why does everyone always ask that?



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