Friday, March 22, 2013

The Higher Power II: Tibet

This was getting ridiculous.

Not only had I sidestepped my Vegas trip at the last minute to hop a plane to Tibet.  But now I was sweating.  In Tibet.  It was 5 below zero.  I was wearing sunglasses.

I had never mountain-climbed before, much less over frozen terrain.  But the voice the other night (which I was still sure had Chewy's paw prints all over--strange considering it was a voice) said this was where the answer would be--where the Higher Power resided.  Where a possible end to my NCAA suffering could be located.

So I did the only logical thing a perfectly sane person would do--instead of connecting to Vegas in the airport, I took advantage of the "I" in Denver International Airport and bought a round-trip ticket to Tibet.

I was starting to mumble...did I mention I was sweating.  Probably getting hypothermia.

"Stupid Raap.  Stupid dog.  I can't believe I stooped to this level.  On the bright side, I guess if I kick it out here, Yzzi and Etan can split the life insurance"  Mumble, mumble.  I had stopped making sense.

I pulled myself up over a ridge but couldn't get off my hands and knees.  I was exhausted and I was beginning to lose consciousness.  For a second, I thought I saw Han Solo riding a Tauntaun.  Then, it happened again.


It was eerie enough that it sounded more like the wind whistling than an actual name.  Much less my name.

"Why have you come here?"

Ok, this was way too much--I felt like I was in a cheesy action movie.  Or was Eddie Murphy in The Golden Child.  So I played along.

"I seek the Higher Power"

There was silence.  I had either passed out or I was being ignored.  Neither would be a first.

"Hello?  I said, I seek the Higher Power"

Nothing.  You have to be kidding me.  I mean, I have done some stupid things in my life but it was quickly dawning on me that I had reached the pinnacle (no pun intended).  Then...

"Who is asking?"

"You just said my name earlier," at least I thought so, I was starting to hallucinate a little, "what kind of question is that?"

"Just can never be sure"

"Do you want a picture ID and a credit card too?"

"Don't toy with the Higher Power, Artie.  You came to see me.  You need me.  Not the other way around."

I had come this far so I needed to fall in line a little.

"I know why I am here.  But how in the world can you help me?  And who are you?"

"Which question do want answered first?"

"Who are you?"

"Not going to answer that--next question, please"

"How can you help me?"

"The answer is within--you need to let go"

Ok, this was really starting to sound like a Star Wars movie.

"What the hell does that mean?"  Oops...little to aggressive on that one.

"It means, you don't seek The Higher Power, you seek A Higher Power"

Getting confusing--and I had little mental capacity to figure this out.

"Assuming I have just climbed a mountain.  Assuming I am seeing and hearing things that do not exist.  Assuming that I probably need emergency medical attention.  With all of those assumptions--can you be a little clearer?"

"No one can help you.  The forces are too strong.  Resistance is futile.  Unless..."

"Unless what?"  Starting to fade to black--it's like the movies where someone dies right before they can give vital information to someone.  Except it was reversed.  I was about to pass out before being given vital information.  And there was nothing I could do about it.

"Look inside."

Great--more puzzles.  The last thought I had as I blacked out was that of a bird.  A big blue bird.  A big, powerful blue bird.  Surrounded by the number ten.



1 comment:

RaiderTripp said...

Where are the results, standings and scenarios? Galvin has a pool on ESPN that gives live, real time updates. Mind blowing...