Thursday, March 17, 2011

Green Day!

Thoughts on the early games...

Butler has become the Rasputin of college basketball.  Similar to last year, they are just hanging around--every time their demise is predicted, they keep coming back.  That game-winning shot came off of such a messy play, they really had no business beating ODU.  But they did and now get a chance to torment Pittsburgh.

Speaking of messes, Clemson beat themselves.  After Clemson closed within three, they self-destructed as West Virgina stole the ball three consecutive times within a 20-second span.  Brilliant move by Huggins to tighten the screws at such a crucial time.  Clemson went into complete panic mode.

The Large Craniums--what a gutsy play at the end.  That is why they won...the good teams go for the jugular instead of playing for OT.  The easy play was the 2 for OT.  It was obvious when he didn't start something with ten seconds left that they were going for the win and, in contrast to West Virginia's aggressive D earlier, Louisville sat back and waited.  And for once, a team doesn't get a cheap call at the end...there was not enough (if any) of a foul there to warrant a call.  Instead of just going up for the shot like his counterpart earlier, he leaned in to get a gift that was not forthcoming and cost himself a chance to make the game winning shot.  Sidebar---the assassin from the Craniums missed his last six shots before the final dagger.

Did Penn State really think they were going to win?

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