Thursday, March 17, 2011

Green Day Part 2

Moving into the second tier of games...

In playing close with NoCo for awhile, San Diego State looked far better than Pittsburgh did playing NC Ash close.  Both teams pulled away in the end but there was a fluidity to SDSU's play that was never apparent in the Pitt game.  Traditionally, Pitt and Georgetown play ugly least traditionally in the last five years.  If I'm a Hoya fan, I can't say I'm happy with the direction IV has taken the team compared to his Dad.  Granted, Mr. Thompson was an iconic coach (Dean, Knight, "K") but Georgetown has not had that breakthrough moment to the point that you wonder when it is coming.  I wonder if Hoya fans feel the same dread tonight as I did the night before the NFC Title game against the Saints.

Richmond and Princeton showed why the SEC is down.  Don't ask why Alabama didn't make it instead of Georgia.  Ask why Georgia made it all.  There are probably at least five mid-majors that should have been in before five big conference schools...and don't tell me that Penn State played it close with Temple.  The Nittany Lions were given a gift with their draw...Temple is not going to scare anyone.

Having said all that negativity...the early afternoon games were outstanding drama.  Starting with Morehead State's cold-blooded upset of Louisville to last second shots by Kentucky, Temple, and Butler made it one of the better days off I've had during the tournament.  And it made me miss Vegas.  As I've said countless times, there is no greater observation of the human condition than to see people living and dying on a last second shot in a sports book in Vegas.  Great theater...

But I've got three tv's in front of me, no waiting for a seat, and green beer to concoct.  No complaints here.

More later...



Grandpa said...

Okay all you winers! Where is all the trash talking that goes with all your really bad pool picks? Does it take some old Grandpa to motivate you folks to step up to the plate and admit your poor choices.

Tiger Blood! Winning! Trolls! Losers! Duh!

Let's get this show going!! Am I the only one that thinks Charles Barkley has no knowledge or talent when it comes to announcing? He has no concept of what College Basketball is all about nor does he know how to say anything intelligent. He is about 500 pounds of garbage. Too bad the network had to even allow him to be on TV. He can't golf, can't talk, can't walk a straight line and with his past couldn't make a winning bet in his life at Vegas.

THE Grandpa!!!!

Grandpa said...

Can anyone spell r-e-s-p-e-c-t for the the Big 10 teams. Other than Penn St. and Michigan St. I would say we hare having a good showing.


Grandpa said...

I would tell you that today is the day the worm turns but I don't need to do that since I am big winner anyone. Only lost a few games out of the entire bracket of 1st (er, second round games) and made up for that with picking 3 out of the first 4 play-in (er, 1st round games) games.

Can anyone say: WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER! Grandpa can!!!


My! My! The Grandkids must be proud of Grandpa!!!!! Winning! DUH!

grandpa said...

Well, thank God the Packers beat Pittsburg so my revenge is complete. With Pitt losing I lost my entire 1/4 of a bracket and one of my final four teams. Doesn't Pitt know how to play in overtime?

I am now loser and a Troll!!
