Friday, March 27, 2009

Take Two (Or Give 9 If You Picked Louisville)

This blog brought to by Tripp's Wife. Tripp's Wife, for the times when you really want to watch college basketball and you need someone to remind you it's dinner time.

**Good start to both games. Finally, a #1 playing like a #1....Oklahoma is slowing it down and being effective.

**So much for slow being effective...the problem is "slow" doesn't get you ahead by enough to prevent a comeback. Sooners all of a sudden look bad--did Memphis just show up?

**Syracuse just doesn't have the flash they have had lately. If Oklahoma stays steady and doesn't let up again, they should win this. Tripp, are you done with dinner yet?

**Good finish to the first half for the Sooners. I'm not sure Boheim is capable of making the changes necessary to turn this around. Louisville game is over...halftime spread is 1/2 point which means Vegas doesn't know what to do on the second half. Close to 16? Or win by 30?

**My in-laws are over now and my father-in-law is consistently reminding me that my mother-in-law is beating me too. As I look at the Top 10, there really is no one I want to win it. If I'm handicapping, i'm going with either Bill, Mo or Raap since each would love to remind me about it for the next year. Good thing that I manage Mo and control the bank with Raap so I have a little leverage.

**Tripp has dinner, I have Yzzi to put to bed....I'll be back in time for the second round of blowouts (Raap's bracket is imploding!! I might have to celebrate tonight!)

**I'm torn on the Gonzaga/NC game...practicality tells me NC but I would love to finish the night with a Gonzaga win.

**God, with every Michigan State score, Raap and elder Raap are cheering. I have Kansas...this is going to kill me if I have to listen to this for two hours.

**I feel like I'm watching a yo-yo. Kansas pulls away, Michigan State comes back, Kansas pulls away, Michigan State comes back. They have to stop giving the ladies false hope...they actually think they can win right now.

**Through six games, only two people have all six right with one having a shot at all eight. That's amazing considering 72 people had all 8 of their choices left as of Thursday's first tip.

**With that last commercial, Howie Long just passed the President as the most overexposed individual on tv right now.

**I think my mother-in-law has a secret mafia life---she just said in frustration about the Kansas/Mich State game "they should just go and break his leg"--I'm sleeping with one eye open tonight if the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree

**I was complaining about having to watch MSU/KS instead of NC/Gonzaga but that little move by Idong Ibok was worth the price of admission. After his teammate made a free throw, he grabbed the ball out of bounds and looked for someone to throw it to--funny, the rest of his teammates were at the other end waiting for KANSAS to inbound the ball and come down the court.

**Does anybody want to win this Kansas/MSU game? Louisville is licking their chops right now!

**You haven't lived until you've seen Raap's happy dance--I had the pleasure after Kansas' choke job. Good God...could she actually win this damn thing? This is going to be painful!

1 comment:

raidertripp said...

Got done with dinner just in time to see that both games were blowouts. Now I can settle in with a beer and enjoy Spartan and Bulldog victories! Something tells me both these games are going to be nail biters - we are due.