Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Conspiracy--Part 2: The Dogfather

She hated these moments.

As much as she needed the help.  As much as she wanted this whole thing to go away.  She really didn't want to take this step.

Danielle looked up at the door and took a deep breath.  Just as she raised her hand to knock, the door opened slightly.  The face of a nine-year old peered out.

"Come in.  He's been expecting you."

"Really, Izzy?  I mean, really?  Am I supposed to believe you are like his henchman, or something?"

"Be quiet Mom.  He might hear you.  The last thing I need is to be on his (*finger quotes*) list.  Besides, it's my room.  I come with the scenery."

"Where's your brother?"

"Inside--someone has to fan his Royal Furriness"

"Fan him?  What the....?". Danielle pushed her way inside.  "Oh you have got to be kidding", she said as she watch Nate literally waving a paper fan in front of Chewy's face as he sat on Izzy's beanbag chair as if it was a makeshift throne.  "This is ridiculous!"

"You want something."--the gravelly voice was unmistakably canine-produced.

"Is that a question or a statement?", Danielle said, still not amused with the situation.

"Oh, I already know you want something.  I am the eyes and ears of this house.  Listen, you don't fake laziness and sleeping all day without getting something for the effort."

"Really?  Tell me something I don't know then"

"Your husband actually watches those Lifetime movies you have on the DVR when you are not around"

"But he makes fun of those all the time--hey, wait a minute, you actually..."

Chewy interrupted.  "We're off topic and my time is valuable.  I have already been awake 15 minutes longer than I wanted"

Danielle was curious.  "How long have you been awake?"

"15 minutes.  I just said that.  Try to keep up!"

"I realize I need help and that you can help me.  But I'm still your owner and I can make the pain pills disappear."

"Interesting counter.  But I know where your credit card is--do you know how many drugs I can buy from Canada over the internet?  Even with no opposable thumbs?"

Danielle glared at the canine who would be king.  "Let's get on with it"

"As you wish.  My loyal servants Izzy and Nate have filled me in on your situation and I have a plan.  But I have to know how far you are willing to go with it"

That sounded creepy to Danielle.  "That sounds creepy.  But I need this personal March Madness to end.  I want my normal life back.  I can't even explain to the kids what a March is like without this chaos because it was going on before we met.  And I hate basketball.  I can't even tell you what 'NCAA' stands for"

"National Collegiate Athletic Association"

"Exactly!  It sounds like a secret government agency that is trying to ruin my life!"

Chewy chuckled.  "I am mildly amused at your plight.  If it was anyone other than him, I'd probably sit back and use it for my own entertainment...when I'm not sleeping, that is.  But I like you.  And I never pass up a chance to make his life hell.  But again, how far are you willing to go?"

As she stared off into space, her eyes narrowed.  "Whatever it takes.  This needs to stop"

"Then my fun begins now."

"And your price?"

"This one's on me.  Consider it an early birthday present."

"You won't hurt him, right?"

"He won't even know what hit him.  Literally."


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