Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Conspiracy, Part 4: Oblivious

There is something about crutches that can change your perspective.

As I packed for my (somewhat) annual trip to Vegas, I was practically giddy.  And I don't get giddy.  Mildly amused, yes.  Giddy?  I'm not a Dickensian character (look it up if I lost you).

When you spend a whole weekend stressed out trying to pack, maneuvering around on your crutches while trying to make sure you have packed additional items to assist your movements (except ibuprofen--that is already a staple in a Vegas first-aid kit), you realize what you take for granted.  Hell, you realize how much you take actual walking for granted.

Not even HE could wreck my mood now.

"You seem to have a bounce in your step," said the furry annoyance as he walked in the room, "Makes me wish you would pop your other calf."

"Funny", I said, basically ignoring Chewy while still acknowledging the shot.

"Oh, I know it's funny but I do appreciate the validation--even if it is from you.  You know I love Vegas, especially when you go"

"Yes, I'm painfully aware.  Still not sure how you keep showing up there every year.  They don't sell plane tickets to animals.  Especially ones who *finger quotes* 'can't talk'".

"You would be amazed what a little money and a kennel can accomplish.  There are plenty of suckers out there willing to make an extra buck just to transport their pet that they never knew they had on an airplane"

"Did you ask any of them if they wanted to make it a permanent arrangement?  It would certainly solve my problems"

"Funny.  If it wasn't for me, your problems would be worse."

"I doubt it."  But then I hesitated.  Something about the way he said the word problems made me pause.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing.  I think I just had a deja vu"

"Care to share?  Were you running through a meadow as I was chasing rabbits?"

"Huh?  Um, no"  I couldn't shake the feeling that I was forgetting something.

"I think I'm forgetting something."

"When's the last time you had a Shamrock Shake?"

"Two days.  Why?"

"That seems like too long for you--maybe you think you're forgetting to get another one?"

"What do you do when you're in Vegas?"  Strange segue, even for a talking dog.  Chewy was strangely inquisitive for someone who had been to Vegas with me before.  Or at least been there at the same time.

"Let's see.  Drink, gamble, watch sports, gamble, play video poker, which is basically gambling, smoke cigars.  Did I mention gambling?"

"What sports do you watch?"

"It's March Madness.  What do you think?"

"Ok, ok.  Don't get snippy.  Spreads?"

"Yes.  And total points.  It's really the only NCAA gambling out there.  Lord knows there is none of that around here"

Chewy hesitated.  I could swear he was suppressing a grin.

"Maybe you should start something around here."

"Naw...too much work.  I would rather just gamble in Las Vegas"  With that, I left to hunt down my lucky poker chips.

Unbeknownst to me, a figure was lurking in the shadows during our conversation.

"Satisfied?"  Chewy said to the female figure as she emerged.

"He really doesn't remember the pool at all?"

"You heard him--it would be too much work."

"He hasn't said a word since that night.  He hasn't prepped emails, blogged, or discussed strategy.  He hasn't asked me about my picks or bugged the kids about theirs.  It feels strange.  Good, but really strange."

"Well, it's time for the next step.  You ready?"

"Do you really think it's necessary?"

"Yes, the pool has to go on, even if he's not in charge.  And I need someone to hit the space bar."

"I know, I opposable thumbs"

"I never get tired of that one"


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