Wednesday, March 31, 2010

WWRD? Part I

As much as I have criticized things lately (just lately?) you would think I would have some constructive suggestions for college basketball.  I hinted at a couple of these in my post about a possible expansion to 96 teams but I think, in fairness to the inept NCAA powers that be, there are a couple things they could do that would improve the product.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Raap's Winning Formula

*Because of the fact that I am once again down to needing a tiebreaker in the championship game to break the stranglehold that my Assistant Tournament Director, Raap Elleinad, seems to have on me when it comes to the March Madness pool, I am allowing her a guest blogger spot so she can walk those who care through her winning formula for picking March Madness games.  Consider it a gift of my pain--from me to you, with love

When Artie first asked me to do this guest blog spot, I wasn't sure what a blog was, much less how to contribute to one.  Seriously, how do I convey how easy it is to beat him in the March Madness pool every year?  And don't bring up his tiebreaker win in 2008--it was a fluke.  Seriously, do you think if I thought he had a chance, I would have only guessed 85 points for the tiebreaker score?  To me, it was like throwing the first two darts away when all you need is a bullseye to win.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

VIva Las Vegas

I'm back but not sure that I'm fully functional yet after five days and nights in Sin City.  Beer, cigars, shots, cognac, more cigars, double cheeseburgers and fries at McDonald's (at least one a day), more beer and some of the worst bar food (when you economize) I will ever eat have taken their toll on me.  Couple that with sleepless nights there (seriously, my body never adjusted to the two-hour time change) and when I returned (both kids got the flu while I was gone) and this has already been a long week.

As for the main purpose of the trip, I would never qualify myself as an expert.  However, after 13 trips to Vegas for various gambling and sports betting experiences and eight of those for March Madness, I can honestly say there are a few things I should pass along to those that go someday.  Learn from my mistakes.

Factor in alcohol content into every bet
Because the beers are usually very cheap if you are gambling, you need to be in touch with your intake.  Note that I didn't say you should drink less or not as much as you want.  I said you should be in touch with your intake.  That is, when considering a bet, subtract one from your confidence level in the bet for every beer you have consumed prior to that bet and then reassess.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Family Meeting

"They just finished the brackets...let's go!"

Being the head of the household is not easy.  It's a lot of work and a thankless job.  I don't know how Danielle does it.  Therefore, to help Danielle out whenever I can.  Calling this meeting might be the single most important thing I would ever do for her.

"Come on you guys, vamanos muchachos!"  (I have been watching waayyyy too much "Handy Manny" lately).

Nate was the first to the table.  "I'm pumped!  I've been waiting for this day since I helped Mom kick your butt last year!"  I wasn't digging his enthusiasm and didn't appreciate his use of the rear end of his vocabulary but he confirmed one thing for me...the "two head" principle was a valid one!  I knew it!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Double Buh-Bye

I'm irritated.

Those of you who know me are probably saying "Go Figure...what's new?"  And you're probably right.

When it comes to sports, I get quickly irritated by things I don't understand.  It might be my old age (40 might be the new 30 but there are days where it feels like the new 65).  It might be a perpetual lack of sleep as I desperately try to mix in adult beverages on the weekends in the midst of a 2 1/2 year old and a 7-month old who think the day starts at 4am (and 5am and 6am and...).  It might be my perfectionist attitude (at which point I can hear pool participants bellow "Perfectionist?  You still run the pool manually!!).  I'm even willing to admit that it might be my neverending quest to be crabby.

What's even worse is that when I start to understand what I previously didn't understand, it's a good bet that money is involved somehow.  That's what makes this particular irritation that much more baffling.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

96? Madness Finally Meets Reality...

I'm not sure where I was when I first heard the news but I sure as hell can tell you what my reaction was.

Please Lord, not again.

In the annals of all things American, there are countless examples of excess gone awry.  The bastion of these examples was just laid to rest last week when the Hummer finally called it quits after tormenting wallets and the environment (not to mention giving individuals a false sense of "bigness") for 18 years.  I could go to Enron, Lehman Brothers, the Super Size It, Krispy Kreme, my love of beer and Latrell Sprewell but brevity has to be the better part of valor here.

At first blush, adding 31 teams to the NCAA tournament has to reek of excess, right?