Saturday, March 10, 2018

Winter Is Coming

For the first time in 14 years, I was actually going to be able to do my bracket in silence.

I miss Chewy...I really do.  But the thought of being able to put my bracket together without the strange looks, taunting, and doggie judgment was trumping any "real" feelings I had.

As I sat down with the sheets, the newest addition to the family, Snowball, was curled up next to the table, laying on the heat vent.

Dogs are weird.

Luckily, this one does not talk.  Does not judge.  Does not show up in strange places thousands of miles from home.  This dog, much like all other normal dogs, does not make it all about him.

Finally, peace and quiet.


Nate's voice was distinct--and loud.  I knew the silence was too good to be true.  "WHAT?"

"There's a You Tube video showing the 25 greatest finishes in March Madness history!"

Pass--I probably lived most of those live on television.  "Sorry dude, I'm busy."

"That's ok--I'll bookmark it and we can watch it later."

Lucky me.  Now back to business.  Where is that ESPN Insider's page that discusses bracket strategy?


Not Izzy too.  "WHAT?"

"You gotta see this video Jake Paul just posted on You Tube!"

No, I really don't.  You Tube again?  Whatever happened to Saturday morning cartoons?  "Honey, I have some work to do--it's my busy season"  It really wasn't--but I did have work to do.  Now where is the latest BPI listing?


Uh-oh.  That voice would not be so easy to side-stepped.  And that voice didn't wait for a response.

"The bathrooms have not been cleaned since we moved in" (good thing we haven't tried to sell the place) "it needs to be done.  NOW."  That last emphasis was the "or else" that went unspoken.

I put my head in my hands.  No wonder I can never win any money in this pool.  There's never any quiet time to focus.  Who in the world could do this with a wife and two kids constantly contributing to the world's noise pollution.

Head still in hands, lost in thought, the approach of a lone figure would have gone unnoticed...until

"Excuse me, sir, what are you doing?"

HOLY HELL!  I jumped and fell backwards in my chair.

"So sorry to startle you.  Are you ok?"

I think so--not every bone is radiating pain.  At my age, that's a victory.  As I opened my eyes, the fuzzy outline of the figure came into view.  There was the familiar white fur but this time it was accentuated by horn-rimmed glasses and a pocket protector.  And the sick realization that followed.

Another talking dog.  Great.


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