Sunday, March 20, 2016

The "Crutch" Part 3

"Hey 'Crutch'."
I had to be dreaming.  Someone was talking to one of my crutches.
"Don't ignore me, 'Crutch'."
Whoever it is was stupid enough to think a crutch could consciously ignore someone.  Or even talk, for that matter.  Now I was convinced I was hallucinating, this is Vegas after all.
"Dammit 'Crutch'...wake up!"
The constant snoring in the hotel room meant it was not my Dad...either that or he has just solidified his status as the world's greatest ventriloquist.
I looked at the clock...3am.  The torn calf meant earlier nights this year in Vegas so I had already been asleep for awhile.  So this voice was not the beer talking to me.

As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I did not see anyone (or anything) in the room.  But the voice was familiar.  And that particular  has haunted me before.
But how in the hell did he get to Vegas?
"I wouldn't worry about how I got here.  Your problems are only multiplying."
"Oh God...don't tell me Raap is here too!"
"Very funny.  Raap isn't here.  She wouldn't watch a minute of a game, much less chase you cross country to watch you watch a minute of a game.  No, I am talking about something much more frightening.  The bracket you will never forget."  For creepy dramatic effect he added "Neeevveer".
"Ok, knock it off...I still think I am dreaming.  On the ridiculous notion that I am not, there is nothing about a bracket that is scary to me, other than Raap's constant bracket beatings over the years."
"Trust me...this will be your worst nightmare"
At that point, I had heard enough. In my haste to get out of bed to confront the furry nightmare, I forgot about my ailment.  As I stepped first on the floor with my bad leg, my calf felt like it had been shot as a severe cramp-like pain shook my leg to the point of convulsions.  As I hit the floor with a very audible, thud-like sound, I looked around to see no one.  That is until I heard a furry chuckle. 

From my new vantage point on the floor, I could see the top of the door open and close.

"Artie, are you ok?  Are you just getting back to the room now?"

The thud-like sound had stirred my father.  No, Dad, I was stupidly trying to chase down an idiot fur monster.
"Yes, Dad.  Sorry to have awaken you.  I tripped on my crutch."


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