Monday, March 14, 2016

The "Crutch"

*Click Click*

This was not easy.

*Click Click*
*Click Click*

My first time on crutches.

*Click Click*
*Click Click*

And my first time falling asleep on the couch on a Saturday night after a few beers--with crutches.

As I got to the stairs, I turned around and sat on the first step--preparing for my backward butt crawl up the stairs.  If you have ever had the pleasure of crutches, you know the most difficult part is moving upstairs.  Once you realize you don't have to hop up one step at a time, it doesn't necessarily become easier but it sure feels a lot more doable.

But then there was the feeling that I was being watched...

"What are you doing?"

Ah, yes, Young Yzzi.  Up again late, I see.

"Dad, you know my name is Izzy and I'm eight.  It's time you started dealing in reality"

Reality?  Hello?  Does anyone see the crutches sliding up the stairs with me?  If she's eight, her powers of observation need work.

"Why are you still up, Isabelle?"

"Well, I was asleep but then I thought I heard someone talking to me."

My first instinct was to check for the dog.  Damn it, Chewy.  You're messing with the kids again (you can relive the first time here).  Even though I knew where this was headed, I kept going.

"You know everyone's asleep, Izzy.  How could someone be talking to you?"

"Well, Chewy has been restless all night and has been jumping from spot to spot on the bed"

This, a result of old age--or so I thought.  "Once he stopped, I could hear him breathing right by my face but I was too scared to open my eyes.  Then, I heard a voice"

Uh-oh.  Sounds like it might be time to put the dog down.

"It wasn't a growl or what I imagine when one of my stuffed animals talks to me.  It was more of a person voice.  Like we had a third kid."  At this point, I would almost take a third kid over that annoying ball of fur.

"What did he/it say?"

"That winter was coming.  But that can't be right, it's March.  We learned in school that Spring starts next week"

As I edged my way to the top step, I realized he was sitting right next to her as she was talking.  Only she didn't know it because he was slightly behind her, staring at me with a big furry grin.

Winter is coming all right--it might finally be time for one last face off between the Mutt and me.  In my resolve to get started, I stood up.


Man down.  Stupid man, that is.

"Don't forget your crutches."

That wasn't Izzy.  "Dad, did you hear it that time?"

As I struggled to look up, I locked eyes with the Mutt once again.

"Yes, Izzy, yes I did"


You can relive the first time here.

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