Friday, March 20, 2015

Sportsbook Day 2

It is rare that I have little to say but having ADD means I am easily distracted. A place like Vegas feeds my sickness but, as a result, some things get missed.
Best quote of the older gentleman behind me started chuckling as Robert Morris came back against Duke...I turned around and he said, still laughing "just when I started writing my suicide note".  I am guessing he had Robert Morris +22.5.  So did I.  And I had already written my note.
A few minutes later, I believe he finished it.  Just as Duke finished Robert Morris.

If you have a favorite team, you have not lived until you have been in Vegas and watched them during March Madness. Even if you never place a bet (and for the record, $1 bets are possible in some places), just being in this atmosphere when the back and forth is going on in front of you in the big screen makes it all worth it.  Of course, there are golf courses, shopping and shows...but I you can do those things in Minneapolis.  Vegas affords you the unique opportunity in the sportsbook to interact with pretty much every type of sports fan from every state in the union.
And from that, I have generated certain rash generalizations about sports fans.  Kansas fans tend to be really loud and obnoxious (what can I say...the four alums behind me were sprinkling four letter words and innuendo as if they were syllables...I had my Panthers hat and was ready to remind them of 2010).  Big Ten fans cheer for each other.  Big 12 fans hate each other.  Everyone hates Duke.  Older fans in Vegas are there for their smaller schools.   Younger fans are usually there with their big school frat brethern (see the Kansas comment above).
And no one cares about Iowa was literally silent in the sportsbook as we celebrated both the UNI and Iowa victories.
Which doesn't bother me.  After Iowa State's implosion yesterday, it was good to see some W's.  Tougher to get on Sunday with Louisville and Gonzaga in the way.
More to come.


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