Sunday, April 3, 2016

Ten Ways to "Crutching"

I have taken the opportunity of this blog in the past to help you learn from my mistakes when it comes to either the pool or existing in the wonderful world that is Las Vegas.

Recent events have brought yet another lesson that I am painfully enduring.  It only stands to follow that as I sip this Hopslam on a beautiful (well, at least it's not snowing) Saturday night, I pass along some tips from the past three weeks.  If you have ever had the unfortunate displeasure of using crutches, you will know the vantage point from which these observations are born.

And you will know it sucks. 

1).  First and foremost--it is not your bad leg you need to worry about.  It's your good leg.  You will have the occasional slip where you will land on your bad leg.  It hurts.  It goes away.  Every time you get up, your good leg gets the stress.  It is accustomed to help.  It's not getting any.  I am actually worried about my good calf.  It has cramped every night for the past three.