Wednesday, April 7, 2010

WWRD? Eliminate the Super Conference

TSBE is a not so-flattering acronym for The Super Big East.  It's not so-flattering in that it is meant to convey a picture that the powers that be who created TSBE were only in it for the size and money.  After all, any conference that has to employ a "double-bye" in their conference tournament to appease the larger, more talented members so that all conference members can be included in the conference tournament, despite the fact that the size of the conference (16) is a perfect "tournament number," is not exactly an organization steeped in logic.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

WWRD? Part II: BracketBusters

Another thing that will not be surprising to many (if anyone) readers of previous blogs is my stance on the treatment of the mid-majors by the NCAA.  Pure and simple, it sucks.  If you have an affiliation with an organization, you should be treated equally under the rule of law for that organization.